• 16 Slide CT Scan
  • Three Color Dopplar Ultrasound Machine
  • Two Dr X-Ray Machine One with Flososcopy
  • Two 500mA Static X-Ray Machine
  • Four Portable X-Ray Macnine

Radiology Deptt is equipped with following facilities:

  • X-Ray & Fluoroscopy are performed by conventional and digital X-Ray machines & with digital fluoroscopy. All kind of X-Ray (Chest, Skeletal, head & neck etc) and contrast studies (GIT, IVU, HSG, Fistulogram, MCUG) are performed. 150-250 X-Rays are performed per day.
  • Ultrasound Three machines of Ultrasound with color Doppler are used to do indoor, outdoor and emergency ultrasounds. Approximately 100 ultrasound are being performed per day. All types of Ultrasound examinations are done e.g (U/S abdomen, Pelvis, KUB, Prostate, Doppler studies)
  • CT Scan There is 16 slice CT Scan Machine (Toshiba) installed in this deptt. All kinds of examination e.g CT Brain, Chest, Abdomin & pelvis, tri phasic contrast enhanced studies and angiographies are being performed.
  • MRI 1.5 Tesla (Siemens) wide bore MRI machine is in installation process.

Dr Salma Ambreen (MBBS, FCPS)
Assistant Professor - WMC

Dr. Nadia Gul (MBBS, FCPS)
Radiologist POF Hospital, Assistant Professor WMC